The Namibian Collection

We are a leading producer and supplier of rough and polished Namibian precious and semi-precious stones for the jewelry industry, private collectors, retail outlets and for personal use.

We pride ourselves in the fact that all our products are naturally produced by mother nature. None of our products are synthetic or lab produced. We also pride ourselves in the fact that proceeds from our sales are reinvested to support the small scale miners who work day and night to extract these beautiful stones from the depth of earth.

Providing a one stop shop for Local and international gem enthusiasts.

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All the Gemstones have a unique identity as a precious stone. Choose your gemstone and buy it now.

The Namibian Collection

Gemstone Of the month

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What are the birthstones by month?

January is garnet, February is amethyst, March is aquamarine, April is diamond, May is emerald, June is alexandrite, July is ruby, August is peridot, September is sapphire, October is tourmaline, November is topaz, December is blue topaz. We at The Namibian Collection ™ love to celebrate every month. Garnet Stone: Meaning, Benefits & Value Of Gorgeous Garnet Stones

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A precious gemstone for every occasion. Celebrate in style.

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